My favourite time of the year is finally year. I love the cozy sweaters, cool breezes, colourful leaves, and hot drinks. It truly is an inspirational time of the year when my creativity really shines. Hope the atmosphere will help me accomplish my goals and relax as the year comes to a close.
I accomplished 14/17 writing goals in the last quarter, which is awesome! I read 3.5 books, sent out Newsletters with Silent Night goodies, finished Draft 7 of Silent Night, followed my Instagram posting schedule, marketed for Silent Night, created my KDP account, won Camp Nanowrimo with 32,396 words added to Project Madness, did a cover and release date reveal for Silent Night(October 23rd), opened pre-orders, formatted Silent Night, ordered proofs and proofread, watched Youtube videos about writing, created Twitter and Goodreads accounts, and I didn’t lose my mind throughout all of that. I also completed 5/6 personal goals.
My goals for this quarter(October, November, and December) are as follows:
Send out Newsletters
Maybe write some blog posts
Finish Draft 8 of Silent Night. The final draft!!!
Publish Silent Night!
Host a livestream release party on Instagram
Mail giveaway prizes
Do my #onewordquotechallenge
Follow my Instagram posting schedule
Marketing for Silent Night
Stay active on Twitter
Update Goodreads and website
Continue draft 2 of Silent Night 2
Draft at least 30,000 words during Nanowrimo for Project Bone Fairy
Organize a book signing at my local library
Watch YouTube videos about writing
Aside from the above writing related goals, I also have 5 personal goals:
Be kind to myself
Make healthier food choices
Stay hydrated
Find a new job
Research educational options
This gives me a total of 21 goals. Can I do it? I think so. Most of these goals are for October, so the other two months might be a bit more laid back, though is Nanowrimo ever laid back? I’ll be creating a more concrete plan for the rest of the year after my book is published, so maybe I’ll share that later.
I’ll update my progress in the new year. In the meantime, you can check out my monthly goal posts on Instagram at emmathewriter, if you’re interested. Or, you can subscribe to my newsletter and get info first hand from yours truly, along with access to my members page : )
Let me know what your guys’ goals are in the comments! Keep in touch and drop me a line if you need advice/encouragement. Have a great rest of the year and as always, keep writing.