And just like that, it’s September. I’m sure a lot of you are wishing this year would just end already, but I think we should appreciate every second of life we get. Don’t wish it away; make the most of it.
I accomplished 12.5/14 writing goals in the third quarter of 2020, which is amazing! I read 6/8 books, wrote all my blog posts out ahead of time, continued and finished the Beta Reading process for Project Summer, did draft 7 of Sacred Ruse, formatted Sacred Ruse, managed my Street Team, proofread Sacred Ruse, received all my giveaway items, hosted a pre-order giveaway, wrote 15,000 words during Camp Nano, published Sacred Ruse, and marketed both my books. I also completed 5.5/8 personal goals which is pretty good, all things considered.
My goals for the final quarter of 2020 (October, November, and December) are as follows:
Meet my 2020 Goodreads reading goal
Stay on schedule with blog posts
Sell 50 books
Reach 10 reviews for Sacred Ruse
Host a birthday giveaway for Silent Night
Write draft 2 of Guild Trilogy book 3
Send book 3 to my Critique Partner
Write draft 10 of Project Summer
Start a second round of Beta Readers for Project Summer
Write another 15k words for Project Petra
Make a Twitter schedule
Market Sacred Ruse and Silent Night
Aside from the above writing related goals, I also have 7 personal goals:
Be kind to myself
Eat healthier
Drink more water
Stick to the new gym schedule
Survive semester 2 of college
This gives me a total of 19 goals, which I think is doable based on the nature of the goals and how I’ve scheduled them.
I’ll update my progress in the New Year. In the meantime, you can check out my monthly goal posts on Instagram at emmathewriter if you’re interested or you can subscribe to my newsletter and get info first hand from yours truly, along with access to my members pages : )
Let me know what your guys’ goals are in the comments! Keep in touch and drop me a line if you need advice/encouragement. Have a great final three months of 2020 and as always, keep writing.