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Current Top Authors

Hey guys! Today I’m going to be highlighting 3 current authors that I like and respect. It was really hard to narrow the list down, but I'm happy with the authors I chose.

First -- to no one’s surprise, I'm sure -- I’m going to talk about V. E. Schwab, who just released “The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue”, which is the 20th- ish book she’s released. Hot damn. Honestly, I think we have to give it to her just for the sheer volume of books she's written and released, not to mention the fact that each one packs a bunch. I have yet to read a book of hers that didn’t blow my mind, let alone one I didn’t like. Each one just touches on humanity in such a profound and unique and yet simple way. There’s also a book for every kind of person. If you like magic, there’s “A Darker Shade of Magic”. If you like superheroes, there’s “Vicious”. If you like monsters, there’s “This Savage Song”. The list goes on from there. Not only that, but Schwab is such a sweet and gentle soul. She is there for her fans and she shares her experiences honestly with us, even if it’s about anxiety, which I find very refreshing and comforting, as an author who also struggles with it. All in all, if you haven’t picked up one of V. E. Schwab’s books yet, what exactly is holding you back?

The second author I want to highlight today is an indie author. J. M. Ivie is a wonderful person and writer, and I’ve had the pleasure of beta reading for her three times in the last year or so. Her worlds are so imaginative and her characters so rich with life. I have loved seeing her work grow and evolve as I read different projects and drafts. Her first published book is “Alvar: Battle for The Realm”, which I have yet to read. She also has a short story anthology of fairytale retellings titled, “The Weeper and Other Stories,” which she co-wrote with Grace Ruri. However, her latest work, “The Empire of The Deep”, is probably my favourite of hers so far because, well, pirates and enemies to lovers romance, and….pirates. This novel is not yet finished, but I am very excited to see where Ivie takes it in her revisions.

The last author I will showcase today is Stephanie Anne, another indie author who is releasing her first book, “The Lost Prince of Cadira,” on the 28th of this month, aka next week. I was able to read the first chapter for a short critique back in the winter, and even with that small sneek peak, I am very excited to get my hands on a copy. Stephanie is a super bubbly person who I admire greatly. Her descriptions are quite vivid and I love the atmosphere she is able to create with her words. The opening scene in New Orleans is so chilling and brilliant. Also, did I mention she creates amAzing aesthetics for her works? I can’t wait to see what Stephanie comes up with next.

So that’s the end of today’s short highlight and this might be something I do semi-regularly to highlight new authors/books I am currently loving. Let me know if that’s something you would be interested in seeing and stay tuned for next week’s post about Sacred Ruse.

Photo disclaimer: First two photos are of my own personal copies, third photo is a screenshot of the kindle cover as the book is not out yet.

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