April is here, spring is on the way! It’s been an interesting first quarter with many ups and downs, but I’m feeling good. The writing is going well and I’m looking forward to what this quarter will bring.
Last quarter, I accomplished 9/13 writing goals, which is a win! I read 6 books, launched my monthly newsletter, started the Beta Reading process, did blog posts, hosted monthly live chats, researched Editors, watched YouTube videos and listened to podcasts about writing, and started a new project. I also completed 3/5 personal goals, which is more than I expected.
My goals for this quarter(April, May, and June) are as follows:
Keep up my monthly Newsletter
Finish the Beta Reading process
Write blog posts
Host monthly Buddy Reads live chats on Instagram (reading accountability)
Write the 5th draft of Silent Night based on Beta Reader feedback
Choose an editor and send them Silent Night
Research Cover Art
Kindle Direct Publishing research
Start marketing for Silent Night?
Watch YouTube videos about writing
Listen to writing Podcasts
Look into other media outlets for my author platforms(Twitter and Goodreads?)
Continue Project Madness
Aside from the above writing goals, I also have 5 personal goals:
Succeed in school
Be kinder to myself
Make healthier food choices
Stay hydrated
Find a new job
This gives me a total of 19 goals. Can I do it? You’ll have to wait and see. I’ll let you guys know how I did in June and in the meantime, you can check out my monthly goal posts on Instagram at emmathewriter, if you’re interested. Or, you can subscribe to my newsletter and get info first hand from yours truly, along with access to my members page : )
Let me know what your guys’ goals are in the comments! Keep in touch and drop me a line if you need advice/encouragement. Embrace the new year and as always, keep writing.